Winged reptiles. Between the front and rear legs, a thin membrane of skin was stretched over them, like that of bats.
These winged reptiles were able to plan from above, but could not take off from the ground. If they flapped their wings on the ground, they risked tearing them up against stones and dry branches.
Therefore, in order to fly, they climbed a tree or rock and already planned with them in the air. These reptiles were predators and lived near the coasts, eating insects or fish that they grabbed, flying low over the water.
Who was the largest flying dinosaur?
The largest winged reptile is called pteranodon. His wingspan could reach 7 meters, while he weighed only about 12 kilograms. This stunning reptile could soar for hours in the air above the sea, grabbing fish on the fly.
Feathers and fluff
A contemporary of large dinosaurs was an amazing creature - Archeopteryx. It was the size of a raven, had feathers on its wings and tail, which allowed him to flip from branch to branch. Unlike modern birds, this animal had teeth in its mouth, as well as sharp claws on its wings.
But Archeopteryx was not the only one who got feathers. Some dinosaurs, for example, caudyperix, followed his example.
An interesting hypothesis: Scientists believe that some winged reptiles, such as pterodactyls, lived in numerous schools and slept headlong down in the caves, like bats.